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Service Design

How might we boost usage of small parks in regional NSW?

Project Type: Service Design

Role: Lead Design Researcher

Demonstrated Design Skills: Service Design, Design Thinking, Prototyping, Knowledge Management, Service Blueprint, Agile/Lean Design process 

What makes popular parks popular and neglected parks neglected?
How can we make those ‘not so loved’ parks thrive? Beyond identifying ‘Why people don’t use some parks’ and ‘What people want from a park’, this project's goal is to come up with some ideas to join the dots between these ‘not so loved parks’ and ‘already doing great parks’ so they work for each other as a whole picture rather than siloed environments.

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Identify Current State

To discover park visitors’ experience and their motivations, I conducted a total of 4 sessions of interviews with park users in a regional NSW town.
In processing data gathered from interview sessions, I employed the DIKW (data-information-knowledge-wisdom) model to establish themes and insights into the current experience of the local community around small parks. 

Theme Building

After gathering data from both research activities, through various ways of processing (8 Ps, DIKW, Customer Journey Map and
the Empathy Map), I identified three main issues with the current state of local minor playgrounds.


Roadmap for MVP &
Service Value Proposition

The user pyramid illustrates users of local minor playgrounds separated into three levels. This process was crucial to capture users’ behaviour and motivation in as many aspects as possible.
Incorporating the user pyramid with the DFV (Desirability, Feasibility and Viability) scores, I took a slice of ideas as the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) 
The Service Value Proposition supports the MVP roadmap and works as a reference for future iterations



In this project, I developed multiple prototypes to serve multiple angles of the service improvement. 

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