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UX Design Artefacts

Due to confidentiality issues, the end-to-end processes of my projects from my current employer  aren’t available to showcase here.
The work highlighted here is to demonstrate my design process and the methodologies I choose in different project contexts.
Every project is different and delivering every possible UX artefact is impossible in the real world. When working on a project, I assess the strategic value of the project and identify focal points that require the most attention that aligns with the objectives and value of the project.

Early Stage

Current state Evaluation & Competitor Analysis

When the project is about improving an existing system or a latecomer in the market, I start with evaluating the current state of the existing version or competitors using Usability Heuristics. Sometimes this step provides insights when establishing UX strategy or follows UX strategy if the project has clear a UX goal to achieve from the beginning.

User Interview

User interview is one of my most frequently used methodologies as I can gain an in-depth understanding with rich context. 


User Journey Map

Informed by user interviews and other information gathered, such as stakeholder engagement, I deliver a user journey map which develops in an iterative manner. This process enables me and the team to identify where the gaps are and which area to focus on.

I adapt different ways of visualise user journey maps depending on the nature of the system or projects.

UX Concept

UX Concepts that informs design decisions throughout the life cycle of the project is one of the most crucial outcomes among early phase UX design activities. I use 7 factors of user experience to make the communication UX concept to stakeholders and the project team more tangible.

Design Phase


Sitemap helps the project team be on the same page when working on a larger system development project. I work closely with the Technical Solution Architect and Business Analyst while developing a sitemap. The sitemap informs a whole team as to the ‘big picture’ from the UX and UI perspectives representing user flow and user touch points along with technical solution diagrams and a business workflow developed by the Technical Solution Architect and the Business Analyst. 



Wireframe is one of the largest parts of work I deliver within the most projects I work in. I create wireframes in a different format and level of fidelity depending on the type of project, level of urgency and complexity of the product.


Design Validation


Implementing the design validation process as an essential part of the technical projects I always emphasise in every project. From usability testing to SUS(System Usability Scale) study, I have planned and conducted many design validation research activities over the past 7 years.

Graphic Pattern

Agile Methodology and Process Improvement

I am an advocate of agile and lean design approaches and passionate about improving the product development process. I believe the benefit of lean/agile design methodologies in terms of enabling a short feedback cycle by allowing a room for users to take part in the development process. I have been an active member of agile project teams and with knowledge and experience learnt from these projects, I work closely with Project Managers to improve processes that adapt benefits of agile approaches.

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